Did You Know: Head Pressing

There’s an article that came across my newsfeed on Facebook today that warned pet owners to be concerned if their pet exhibited “head pressing” behavior.


I was initially skeptical.  I had a cat that used to “punish” herself or pout by sitting in the corner, so I did some quick research.  It’s what I do. 😉  And I found out that there is indeed a medical condition called “head pressing,” (and it differs from normal cat/dog head-butting behavior, which has its roots in scenting and sometimes the desire for attention.)

Head pressing is a condition characterized by the compulsive act of pressing the head against a wall or other object for no apparent reason.   This generally indicates damage to the nervous system, which may result from a number of causes, including prosencephalon disease…and some types of toxic poisoning. (source.)

It should be noted, the above quote was from an article referring specifically to dogs, whereas the initial article seemed to include cats as well.  When dealing with our furry friends, I always advise erring on the side of caution.  Head pressing is considered a medical emergency.  It can be a symptom of a number of serious illnesses, including tumors located near the skull and brain of the animal, toxins (like lead) being introduced into the system, metabolic disorders, acute head trauma, or stroke.(source)

From my own experience, I know that people often to not realize when their pets are ill, because they misinterpret symptoms and/or because our pets generally do not vocalize discomfort the way people do.  So when they DO begin to act different or funny, the underlying cause has often advanced to a critical point.  I went through this when my own shelter girl, Neeners, died.  The point is, if your beloved furbaby is acting funny or even doing things that are just out of character (like soiling in the house, etc), a trip to the vet may be in order.  It may just save their life.

As always, safe is better than sorry.  Be informed.


Kelly- ABCDT


Theobromine Poisoning- Chocolate and Dogs

Most dog moms and dads have likely heard from one source or another that chocolate is not good for their canine companions.  The reason for this is a chemical called theobromine, which acts as a stimulant similar to caffeine.

In people, it has been medically used as a vasodilator (a blood vessel widener), a diuretic (urination aid), and heart stimulant.(source)  In dogs, it is a poison, and depending on the amount consumed, can be fatal.  Dogs and cats metabolize this chemical too slowly and thus are susceptible to theobromine poisoning.  (*It is interesting to note that this is also the case with some human medicines as well, like acetaminophen. Cats are so sensitive to the adverse effects of acetaminophen that just one, regular strength tablet can result in death. (source)

Theobromide mainly affects the heart, central nervous system and kidneys. Symptoms will occur from 4-24 hours after your dog has eaten chocolate and will vary depending on the amount of chocolate (theobromine) your dog has eaten.  (source)

If your dog has eaten chocolate, you may see:

Vomiting (may include blood)


Restlessness and hyperactivity

Rapid breathing

Muscle tension, incoordination

Increased heart rate


As a general rule, darker chocolate contains more of the chemical than milk or white chocolates, and cocoa powder contains.  Cats may also be at risk for theobromine  poisoning, but are less likely to be tempted to eat sweet things like chocolate, due to their lack of sweet taste receptors. (source)

If you have reason to believe your dog has eaten chocolate, contact your vet immediately.  Treatments may vary depending on what symptoms your dog is exhibiting.  As with our human children, better safe than sorry!

Kelly- ABCDT

Chocolate Lab

Chocolate Lab

Chocolate Not-Lab

Chocolate Not-Lab

More on Safety With Our Children and Our Furry Kids

A handy reminder– it always pays to be cautious.  As much as people love their platitudes in regards to dogs and aggression (“It’s all how they’re raised.”  “It’s all how they are treated.”   Etc.)- the reality is that any dog is capable of biting, under the right circumstances.  You may not agree with all of the following safety tips, but always use your best judgment and be aware!


(photo credit: RSPCA)

(photo credit: RSPCA)

Dog Food Recalls

Proctor & Gamble has issued a press release regarding a voluntary recall they are performing on select Iams and Eukanuba dry dog & cat foods, due to a possibility of Salmonella contamination.

The following lots are being recalled:



Also, the following website has a list of all 2014 recalls on dog food.   Pets Adviser 2014 recall list.


Doggy Safe Summer Treats

Courtesy of Dogtube.us, here’s a list of a few tasty (and healthy) treats your pup can enjoy this summer! (see link for more details)

  1. Watermelon: Refreshing, great for the immune system, low in fat, high in water content, and packed with antioxidants and vitamins, most dogs love watermelon.
  2. Cantaloupe: Protects vision from cataracts by providing a healthy dose of beta-carotene
  3. Blackberries: These tasty berries  are full of fiber and vitamins (not all berries are safe for dogs).
  4. Strawberries: This free radical fighting berry tastes delicious while fighting disease, cancer, and delivers immune support with its powerful punch of vitamins.
  5. Apples:  They contain lots of soluble fiber and are great for overall health (feed slices, the seeds toxic).
  6. Bananas: On a hot day, they replenish electrolytes, minerals, and potassium. Higher in sugar than most fruits, they provide a boost of energy to busy dogs and are full of amino acids, vitamins B6 and C, potassium, fiber, and manganese.
  7. Blueberries: Fight cancer, protect the cardio vascular system, and help prevent urinary tract infections.*A good rule of thumb when feeding your dog fresh fruit is to never feed the seeds or rinds. All fresh fruits should be washed before serving to remove pesticides and molds. Not all fruits are safe, (such as grapes. 
(photo:Scott Cromwell on Flickr)

(photo:Scott Cromwell on Flickr)


BEWARE: Common Plants That Are Toxic to Your Dog

Plants are everywhere and many times people assume that because they are “natural,” most plants are harmless or edible.  I can not recall the source, but I once heard more of the plants around us are toxic to people than are safe/edible for people.  One should never assume that because it is green, you can eat it.

The same goes for our furry friends.  Many of the plants that are common in our environment, whether our gardens or kitchens have at least some level of toxicity to our pets, and many can even be lethal.

A few very common plants that can have adverse effects on your dog are listed below.

Some common kitchen/cooking plants that are poisonous are:

  • Black Walnuts
  • Grapes (here’s another post on grape toxicity)
  • Mushrooms
  • Tomato Plants
  • Castor Beans (source)
  • Onion
  • (some intolerance) Garlic (source)

Some common house or garden/landscaping plants that are toxic are:

  • Aloe Vera
  • Azalea
  • Baby’s Breath
  • Begonia
  • Carnations
  • Cyclamen
  • Daffodil
  • Gladiola
  • Ivy
  • Morning Glory
  • Mums (Chrysanthemums)
  • Oleander (known to be highly poisonous to people too)
  • Poinsettia
  • Rhododendron
  • Tulips
  • Yew


I can remember having quite a few of these in our garden and yard as kids!

ASPCA has a comprehensive list of the many plants that may be poisonous to your furry friend.  Here’s one with photos to identify some commonly encountered plants.

When in doubt, I think it’s safer to assume something is not okay for your pet unless you know that it is, and err on the side of caution when feeding your pet foods from the kitchen and when planting (unless you know your dog has no interest in your garden.)

Also, here’s a helpful list for you as well from a vet clinic.



Stay healthy!


Hold Up, Hot Foot!

I think sometimes we assume that our pets are always acclimated to outdoor weather and environments simply by dint of them being animals.  But we’re just silly humans, so sometimes we forget to use our over-sized brains when it comes to our furry friends.  But two important things to remember are…

1) Dogs are one species that has been so extensively bred, their gene pool so “meddled with,” that they are no longer exactly shining examples of natural evolution and Darwinism.

Darwinism:  a theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual’s ability to compete, survive, and reproduce (source).

Simply put (and this may be the case whether you’re an evolutionist or a creationist, unless you believe God moonlighted as a dog-breeder,) today’s dog breeds have often had certain characteristics bred into them,and in some cases, other characteristics that arise may not always be advantageous from an evolutionary standpoint.  For example, I’d be hard-pressed to explain  the evolutionary advantage a pug enjoys by having a face so smooshed that it often results in breathing problems.

This also means not all of today’s dogs are well equipped for all the outdoors has to offer.

The second thing to remember is this…

2)  Hot asphalt, and other man made things, do not qualify as a normal outdoor environment.  

Your feet get hot on asphalt because you were never meant to walk barefoot on asphalt.  The same goes for your dog.  His feet may be well adapted to many terrains, including grass, dirt, and even snow, in some cases, but they were never designed to be able to tolerate hot asphalt.


Kelly- ABCDT

The Doggie Ice Water Hoax

This is one of the most recent “scare tactic” hoax/posts I’ve seen going around Facebook.  As usual, most people will pass it on, like a dirty penny or a chain letter, “just to be safe,” without bothering to do even the minutest amount of research.

But since I deal in dogs, so to speak, I wanted to know, naturally.

The main body of the text text goes something like this:

Hello Everyone,

I am writing this in hopes that some may learn from what I just went through. We were having a good weekend till Saturday. On Saturday I showed my Baran and left the ring. He was looking good and at the top of his game. He had a chance at no less then one of the two AOM’s.

It did not work out that way. After showing we went back to our site/set up and got the dogs in their crates to cool off. After being back about 30 min. I noticed Baran was low on water. I took a hand full of ice from my cooler and put it in his bucket with more water. We then started to get all the dogs Ex’ed and food ready for them.

I had Baran in his 48′ crate in the van because this is the place he loves to be. He loves to be able to see everyone and everything. After checking him and thinking he was cooled off enough, we fed him. We walked around and one of my friends stated that Baran seamed like he was choking. I went over and checked on him. He was dry heaving and drooling. I got him out of the crate to check him over and noticed he had not eaten. He was in some distress. I checked him over from head to toe and did not notice anything.

I walked him around for about a minute when I noticed that he was starting to bloat. I did everything I was taught to do in this case. I was not able to get him to burp, and we gave him Phasezime.

We rushed Baran to a vet clinic. We called ahead and let them know we were on our way. They were set up and waiting for us. They got Baran stablized very quickly. After Baran was stable and out of distress we transported him to AVREC where he went into surgery to make sure no damage was done to any of his vital organs. I am very happy to say Baran is doing great, there was no damage to any vital organs, and he still loves his food.

In surgery the vet found that Baran’s stomach was in its normal anatomic position. We went over what had happened. When I told the vet about the ice water, he asked why I gave him ice water. I said that I have always done this. I told him my history behind this practice and his reply was, “I have been very lucky.” The ice water I gave Baran caused violent muscle spasms in his stomach which caused the bloating. Even though I figured his temperature was down enough to feed, and gave him this ice water, I was wrong. His internal temperature was still high. The vet stated that giving a dog ice to chew or ice water is a big NO, NO! There is no reason for a dog to have ice/ice water. Normal water at room temperature, or cooling with cold towels on the inner thigh, is the best way to help cool a dog. The vet explained it to me like this: If you, as a person, fall into a frozen lake what happens to your muscles? They cramp. This is the same as a dog’s stomach

I felt the need to share this with everyone, in the hopes that some may learn from what I went through, I do not wish this on anyone. Baran is home now doing fine. So please if you do use ice and ice water, beware of what could happen.

"I think I've had too much..."

“I think I’ve had too much…”

Naturally, any dog lover who has given their dog ice water before is probably either in fits of guilt and relief that they didn’t kill their beloved furbaby, or they are calling “bullsh*t.”

One of the main concerns is that ice water could potentially cause a painful and life threatening condition known as “bloat,” torsion, or gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) (for more info on bloat, please see BUF’s post here.)

Contrary to what is claimed in the above scare article, putting ice cubes in a dog’s water bowl may actually help prevent “binge drinking,” a common behavioral problem where a dog slurps his water too quickly (which is something that actually CAN cause stomach issues.) (source)

In case you’re not sure this isn’t just one more website that may have gotten it wrong, here are a few more links from people that just aren’t buying the whole anti-ice argument.  But to be sure, you can always go ahead and ask your trusted vet!

Kelly- ABCDT

Related links:





How Often Does Fido Really Need Vaccinations?

We all know that vaccinating our puppies and adult dogs, especially against killers like parvo and rabies, is extremely important.

  • Core vaccines are considered vital to all dogs based on risk of exposure, severity of disease or transmissibility (sic) to humans. Canine parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis and rabies are considered core vaccines…
  • Non-core vaccines are given depending on the dog’s exposure risk. These include vaccines against Bordetella, Borrelia burgdorferi and Leptospira bacteria.  (source)

But did you know not all vaccinations are needed yearly?  Some vaccinations may last as many as three to seven years!  This is also the case for our feline friends, and it has been suggested over-vaccination can actually be problematic. Below I have included several links to information about vaccinations.  In the end, the decision to vaccinate is yours, and I would never in good conscience advocate not vaccinating your pets, however, you are your pet’s advocate, so make sure you are informed about the various diseases and vaccines that could affect your furbaby.



Mercola- canine vax

2nd Chance Info- dog vaccinations

2nd Chance For cats

PetSmart puppy shots timeline


Kelly- ABCDT

Grape Toxicity In Dogs

Grape and raisin (dried grapes) toxicity is well documented in dogs.  Although the exact substance that causes the toxic reaction is not yet known, it has been shown that even small amounts of grapes or raisins can prove to be fatally toxic for a dog Yet not all dogs are affected in the same way or with the same severity of reaction.


 Some signs of grape toxicity to watch for are:

  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea – often within a few hours; after 24 hours of ingestion vomit and fecal contents may contain pieces of grapes or raisin
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy, weakness, unusual quietness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dehydration
  • passing only a small amount of urine or none at all
  • Kidney (renal) failure and death (source.)

Other foods that can be hazardous to dogs are avocados, bread dough, chocolate, alcohol, nuts, garlic, and onions (source.)

I know we all love to pamper our pets, but often what they want is not what they need or what is good for them.  I know it’s hard to resist those puppy dog eyes, but just make sure you are aware of the risks of feeding your beloved canine buddy certain people foods.

-Kelly- ABCDT

Related Links*   http://pets.webmd.com/dogs/ss/slideshow-foods-your-dog-should-never-eat